Zone Tools are one-page reference tools used to assist patients in managing common health conditions at home, such as heart failure, COPD, diabetes, and hypertension. These tools will:
- Promote self-management
- Teach symptom awareness
- Encourage communication and engagement with the provider
- Empower patients and increases confidence in their ability to impact their health
Tying back to a real-life example, Zone Tools use the colors of a stoplight to guide patients into managing their conditions. For each zone (green zone – all clear; yellow zone – caution; and red zone – medical alert), the tool provides signs, symptoms, and specific instructions, in plain language, for managing the condition, including guidance on when to seek medical assistance.
Zone Tools are used by a variety of healthcare professionals to educate and prepare patients to self-manage. Better self-management can lead to improved overall health and help reduce avoidable hospital admissions. Encourage patients to hang these Zone Tools in a prominent place where they’re at frequently during the day to help them know what they’re looking for and then what to do once they find something out of the ordinary. By giving patients what they need to impact their own health, they are empowered and their confidence to manage their own health will soar.

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