smiling value-based care provider


Leaders in Value-based Care Transformation

Founded in 2012 by a group of physicians in North Carolina, CHESS is a physician-led health care services company empowering clinicians and health systems to make the transition to value based medicine.

Because the U.S. health care system is unable to sustain the typical fee-for-service payment model, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and other payers have begun to focus reimbursements on improved patient outcomes (value based medicine) rather than the number of services provided (fee-for-service medicine), forcing health systems to move towards value based healthcare.

CHESS empowers physicians and health systems to safely transition to value- based care.

CHESS collaborates with physicians and health systems, considering them value partners, and provides a better understanding of the needs of their patient population. Together, CHESS and its value partners transform care through innovative, team-based solutions, implementing care models that address the needs of the sickest patients while aligning clinical and financial goals.  Together, CHESS and health care systems create more effective care methods and pathways to improve patient outcomes. 

Through advanced analysis and analytical tools, CHESS identifies major cost and quality drivers for a given population, assessing risk for future adverse health outcomes, and studies the performance of providers with regard to clinical quality and efficiency goals. 

CHESS’s management team features a diverse group of professionals with knowledge and experience in a value driven environment.  CHESS understands how to prepare health care organizations for the rapidly changing clinical landscape and provides financial and analytical expertise focused on provider risk.

On behalf of value partners, CHESS negotiates value based payer contracts and risk-based agreements to reward providers financially for focusing on cost and quality. CHESS works closely with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and manages several Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) including a Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) ACO: CHESS Value, LLC, and a Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health (REACH) ACO: CHESS Genesis, LLC.

To learn more about CHESS’s ACOs and their performance, visit:,

Doctor shaking hands with patient after providing value-based care

Our Mission

To sustainably transform the health care experience for the patient, provider, and care team

Our Vision

To cultivate a value-oriented, compassionate and health-aligned care community

Our Values

Collaboration – Innovation – Expertise – Integrity