Move to Value Podcast

Move to Value Podcast Updates

The Move to Value podcast is dedicated to helping health care providers understand and make the transition to value-based care. Sign up to receive updates when a new episode drops!

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In this episode we learn about what it is like driving value in rural communities with CHESS Health Solutions senior director of clinical operations and practicing physician Dr. Kimberly Vass-Eudy Dr Vass-Eudy, as a provider with a rural patient population…
In this episode, we learn about the commercial side of value-based care contracting and Medicare Advantage from Bethany Palmer, Senior Director of Contract Strategy and Clinically Integrated Network Management for CHESS Health Solutions. Bethany, Welcome to the Move to Value…
In this episode we talk to Jeff Williamson, MD, MHS, Director of the Center for Healthcare innovation, about what is on the horizon for patient care and how it impacts value. About Jeff Williamson About Center for Healthcare Innovation Transcript:…
In this episode we continue our conversation with Doctor Kevin Biese and Megan Donovan about the role that Geriatric Emergency Department have in the move to value and how it touches all aspects of the quadruple aim. Transcript: What are…
Today we talk to Dr. Kevin Biese, from the UNC Chapel Hill School of Medicine and Megan Donovan, an Atlanta-based independent management consultant, about Geriatric Emergency Departments and the role they play in value-based care.
In this episode we talk to Melissa Pollock, M.Div., CHC, director of ACO Compliance and Regulatory Affairs for CHESS Health Solutions. She shares with us her expertise on the current CMS payment models, as well as the history and what…